Coaching Psychology: Meta-theoretical perspectives and applications in multicultural contexts, Co-edited by Llewellyn E. van Zyl, Marius W. Stander, Aletta Odendaal

The book, Coaching Psychology: Meta-theoretical perspectives and applications in multicultural contexts, published by Springer, offers detailed strategies, methodologies, approaches, practice guidelines, and policy implications effective for professional coaching on the individual, group and organizational level. It details empirical research-based and theoretical perspectives on coaching psychology as well as elaborates upon the fundamentals within multi-cultural contexts. First delivering a general introduction to coaching psychology before going on to examine specific psychological approaches towards coaching. The book also provides a conceptual framework for the use of psychometrics in multi-cultural coaching psychology. Next, the book presents meta-theoretical perspectives and applications for multi-cultural contexts, such as how to enhance leadership with group coaching from a system psychodynamic approach, how coaching can be used to support behavioral engagement and wellbeing, and how to utilize symbolic expressions, art, myths, dreams, and fantasies in coaching.


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