Coaching Psychology: Constructivist Approaches by Jelena Pavlović

Coaching Psychology: Constructivist Approaches presents a comprehensive overview of constructivist approaches to individual, group and team coaching. Jelena Pavlović introduces key ideas and explores a variety of models, tools and techniques, setting out a landscape of constructivist psychology as applied to coaching.

Beginning with an overview of constructivism in contemporary psychology, the book elaborates on key processes of discursive and narrative construction of self. A variety of constructivist approaches to coaching, including personal and relational construct, narrative, appreciative, systemic and solution focused, are offered with basic principles, operating models and coaching techniques. Pavlović also introduces a constructivist model for coaching teams, illustrated with case studies, and sets out a framework and guidelines for training coaches in this approach.

ISBN 9780367860981
136 Pages 2 B/W Illustrations
Published March 4, 2021 by Routledge


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